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Pricing : Fine Work

These are the estimate pricing of the handmade singing bowl depending upon the size and weight, as each singing bowl is different, This pricing is not 100% accurate but more or less this should be useful as the reference for the required size

Weight Range grams
Carving Singing Bowl
Price In USD
12 - 13 cm 350 $42
14 - 15 cm 400 $48
16 - 17 cm 600 $72
18 -19 cm 800 $96
20 - 21 cm 1100 $132
22 - 23 cm 1500 $180
24 - 25 cm 2000 $240
27 - 28 cm 2500 $300
30 - 31 cm 3000 $360
35 -40cm 4000 - 6000 $480-$720
40 -45 cm 6000 - 8000 $720 - $960
45 cm 8000 - 1000 $960 -$1200
50 cm 10000 + Will be provided manually