2.08 Kg / 4.59 lbs
22x16.5x13 Cm / 8.66 Inches
Copper & Gold Plated
Date Added
2021-01-21 01:41:23
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It is possible that we still have it with our suppliers but the price could be different from before.
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This is an antique patina-finished Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus. This is not an antique statue. It is just an antique patina finish. This Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus is a testament to the artisan's mastery of the art of aging. Its antique patina has been meticulously crafted to give the appearance of an aged statue, showcasing the artist's unique techniques and skills. Through undisclosed processes and careful aging treatments, the Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus undergoes a transformation that captures the essence of time and history.
This is an antique patina-finished Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus. This is not an antique statue. It is just an antique patina finish. This Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus is a testament to the artisan's mastery of the art of aging. Its antique patina has been meticulously crafted to give the appearance of an aged statue, showcasing the artist's unique techniques and skills. Through undisclosed processes and careful aging treatments, the Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus undergoes a transformation that captures the essence of time and history.
Full Fire Gold Plating
This Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus is finished with full gold plating. also known as mercury gold plating or fire gold plating. This traditional technique involves the application of a genuine layer of gold onto the Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus. Referred to as mercury gold plating, it is considered the correct and authentic form of gold plating in Nepal. Despite being more expensive than electroplating, this traditional mercury gold plating is gaining popularity again in Nepal. People are drawn to its authenticity, longevity, and the unmatched beauty it brings to the Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus. The resurgence of interest in this traditional form of gold plating reflects a growing appreciation for the craftsmanship and cultural heritage of Nepal
This Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus is finished with full gold plating. also known as mercury gold plating or fire gold plating. This traditional technique involves the application of a genuine layer of gold onto the Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus. Referred to as mercury gold plating, it is considered the correct and authentic form of gold plating in Nepal. Despite being more expensive than electroplating, this traditional mercury gold plating is gaining popularity again in Nepal. People are drawn to its authenticity, longevity, and the unmatched beauty it brings to the Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus. The resurgence of interest in this traditional form of gold plating reflects a growing appreciation for the craftsmanship and cultural heritage of Nepal
Lost-Wax System
This Aparimita of Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus is made by the process of the Lost Wax system. This is a very complicated, time consuming and historic process of making metal sculptures.Which is why it is sometimes called Precision Casting as well. Hence the sculptures made by this process are comparatively expensive. There are many new, advanced and less time consuming methods of casting metal sculptures available as well. But due to the benefits provided by the traditional lost wax system in quality control and customization, we prefer the Loss wax system over Ceramic molding, or sand casting to make our Aparimita.
Below we have tried to illustrate the process of making a loss wax system statue:
This Aparimita of Buddhist Statue Of Amitayus, [full Fire Gold Plated], Antique Finishing, Chepame, Amitayus is made by the process of the Lost Wax system. This is a very complicated, time consuming and historic process of making metal sculptures.Which is why it is sometimes called Precision Casting as well. Hence the sculptures made by this process are comparatively expensive. There are many new, advanced and less time consuming methods of casting metal sculptures available as well. But due to the benefits provided by the traditional lost wax system in quality control and customization, we prefer the Loss wax system over Ceramic molding, or sand casting to make our Aparimita.
Below we have tried to illustrate the process of making a loss wax system statue:
Brief Introduction :
Buddha Aparimita is very popular in bestowing long life upon the devotees. It is red in color. His two hands are in dhyana mudra and holds an ambrosia vase. He usually wears all the ornaments of different kinds peculiar to a Sambhogakaya Buddha. He is never depicted with any consort. He wears a crown and has Ushnisha and Urnakosh on his body.
Buddha Aparimita is invoked or worshipped for lengthening the life span or fast relief from dreadful diseases or from mortal danger. In Nepalese Mahayana tradition the dharani of Buddha Aparimita is often recited by the devotees in the presence of dying patients. the recitation of this dharani is said to be efficacious when carried out in utter sincerity. It is said that the famous Madhayamika Buddhist philosopher Arya Nagarjuna had escaped his early death after recitation of this dharani for one complete day and night.
Mantra of Amitayus
Om A Ma Ra Ni Dzi Wan Ti Ye Soha
ओं अमरणि जीवन्तये स्वाहा
Om A Ma Ra Ni Dzi Wan Ti Ye Soha
ओं अमरणि जीवन्तये स्वाहा