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Maitreya Buddha Statue, Sold


900 gm / 1.98 lbs
10x7x5 Cm / 3.94 Inches
Date Added
2009-06-03 10:42:11
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About sold
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Lost-Wax System
This Maitreya Buddha of Maitreya Buddha Statue, [sold] is made by the process of the Lost Wax system. This is a very complicated, time consuming and historic process of making metal sculptures.Which is why it is sometimes called Precision Casting as well. Hence the sculptures made by this process are comparatively expensive. There are many new, advanced and less time consuming methods of casting metal sculptures available as well. But due to the benefits provided by the traditional lost wax system in quality control and customization, we prefer the Loss wax system over Ceramic molding, or sand casting to make our Maitreya Buddha.
Below we have tried to illustrate the process of making a loss wax system statue: Read More . . .
About Buddha :
Gautama Buddha, popularly known as the Buddha, He is regarded as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism, and revered by most Buddhist schools as a savior, the Enlightened One who rediscovered an ancient path to release clinging and craving and escape the cycle of birth and rebirth. He taught for around 45 years and built a large following, both monastic and lay. His teaching is based on his insight into the arising of duḥkha and the ending of duhkha the state called Nirvana
The Buddha was born into an aristocratic family in the Shakya clan but eventually renounced lay life. According to Buddhist tradition, after several years of mendicancy, meditation, and asceticism, he awakened to understand the mechanism which keeps people trapped in the cycle of rebirth. The Buddha then traveled throughout the Ganges plain teaching and building a religious community. The Buddha taught a middle way between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism found in the Indian śramaṇa movement. He taught a training of the mind that included ethical training, self-restraint, and meditative practices such as jhana and mindfulness. The Buddha also critiqued the practices of Brahmin priests, such as animal sacrifice and the caste system.

A couple of centuries after his death he came to be known by the title Buddha, which means "Awakened One" or "Enlightened One". Gautama's teachings were compiled by the Buddhist community in the Vinaya, his codes for monastic practice, and the Suttas, texts based on his discourses. These were passed down in Middle-Indo Aryan dialects through an oral tradition. Later generations composed additional texts, such as systematic treatises known as Abhidharma, biographies of the Buddha, collections of stories about the Buddha's past lives known as Jataka tales, and additional discourses, i.e. the Mahayana sutras.

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Maitreya Buddha Statue, Sold